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The rise of China's coffee market: surpassing the United States and leading the world

Recently, a latest report from the World Coffee Portal has attracted widespread attention in the industry. The report shows that China has surpassed the United States to become the world's largest branded coffee shop market, marking a milestone achievement in the rise of the Chinese coffee industry.

According to report data, in the past 12 months, the number of Chinese coffee brands in global stores has reached 49700, surpassing the 40062 in the United States for the first time and ranking first in the world. Behind this number lies the rapid growth and enormous potential of the Chinese coffee market.

As a country with a long history of tea culture, China's rise in the coffee industry in recent years has attracted attention. With the acceleration of consumption upgrading and urbanization, coffee has gradually become a fashion and lifestyle in China. More and more young people are choosing coffee as their daily drink, and the popularity and acceptance of coffee culture are increasing year by year.

At the same time, China's coffee industry chain is also constantly improving. From the cultivation and processing of coffee beans to the research and production of coffee machines, to the operation and promotion of coffee brands, Chinese enterprises have demonstrated strong strength and innovation in every aspect.

Taking Tianyancha data as an example, China currently has tens of thousands of coffee related enterprises, including internationally competitive brands and enterprises. These enterprises continuously explore and practice in technological innovation, quality improvement, brand marketing, and other aspects, providing strong support for the sustainable development of China's coffee industry.

It is worth noting that the rise of the Chinese coffee market is not only reflected in the number of stores, but also in the pursuit of quality and culture by consumers. With the increasing understanding and taste of coffee among consumers, they have put forward higher requirements for the quality and taste of coffee. This has prompted Chinese coffee brands to continuously innovate in product development, service experience, and environmental creation to meet the increasingly diverse market demands.

Looking ahead to the future, there is still enormous development space and potential in the Chinese coffee market. With the deepening of consumption upgrading and urbanization, it is expected that the size of China's coffee market will continue to maintain high-speed growth. Meanwhile, with the increase of international exchanges and the spread of coffee culture, Chinese coffee brands will continue to enhance their international competitiveness and lead the development trend of the global coffee industry.

In short, the rise of the Chinese coffee market is a microcosm of China's economic and cultural development. Against the backdrop of increasingly fierce competition in the global coffee market, Chinese coffee brands and enterprises will continue to leverage their advantages, continuously innovate and develop, and inject new vitality and momentum into the global coffee industry.

The current coffee market in China has a scale of 8.97 billion yuan, with women born in the 1990s as the core users

The 2022 Report on the Development of China's Onsite Coffee Category shows that in 2021, the market size of China's on-site coffee industry reached 8.97 billion yuan, an increase of 2.64 billion yuan or 41.71% compared to 2020. It is expected that the market size will reach 15.79 billion yuan by 2023. In terms of consumer groups, women born in the 1990s are the core users.

It is understood that the current service forms in the Chinese coffee consumption market include coffee consumption in chain cafes, non chain cafes, and restaurants, coffee consumption in beverage stores, convenience store coffee, self-service coffee machines, etc. In 2021, the market size of China's current coffee industry accounted for 7.94% of the total size of the coffee industry, compared to 3.65% in 2013.

According to Meituan Online data, as of May 1, 2022, there are 117300 coffee shops in mainland China. In 2021, Meituan Catering's niche category of takeout orders saw explosive growth in numerous sub categories. Among them, coffee orders increased by 178.7% year on year, far exceeding tea, Chinese pastries, Luosifen, braised snacks and other categories.

According to analysis, the current mainstream consumer group for freshly brewed coffee is women born in the 1990s. The male to female ratio of the consumer group for freshly brewed coffee is 3-7, and the post-90s generation is the core user of freshly brewed coffee, accounting for 50%. There has been a slight downward trend in the past two years. The post-80s and underage groups have shown a slight upward trend in the past two years.

In terms of price range, the current coffee market can be divided into three levels: boutique coffee market priced above 40 yuan, daily coffee market priced between 20-40 yuan, and sinking market priced below 20 yuan. From the perspective of per capita consumption scale, stores in the price range of 20-40 yuan dominate, and the proportion of stores has been continuously increasing in the past three years, from less than 50% in 2020 to nearly 70% in 2022. Due to the impact of the epidemic and the daily consumption of coffee, the number of stores in the price range of 40-60 yuan has declined, with a decrease of nearly 60%.

The report also predicts the market trend of freshly brewed coffee, and the label of high-end and elite coffee is being broken. "Good coffee should not be so expensive" and "coffee entering daily life" has become a consensus. The rise of the fruit coffee track has led to fruits becoming the flavor guide of coffee. The fruit development ideas of new tea drinks have been borrowed from the coffee industry, in order to make more people willing to try coffee.





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